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Sneekīs phone-terror

Chapter 19
The new landlord.

Sneek found the phone numbers of two neighbours, who were living on the ninth floor:
Larsson: -Larsson.
Sneek: -Is this Olof Larsson?
Larsson: -Yes.
Sneek: -Well, good afternoon. My name is director Sneek and I'm your new landlord. Maybe you knew that already?
Larsson: -No.
Sneek: -Really? Well, I bought the house and I did send the information to all my tenants.
Larsson: -Really, I haven't seen any.
Sneek: -Anyway, the reason why I'm calling is that we are going to have some  changes around here and I was wondering if you can help me?
Larsson: -Yes?
Sneek: -Well, the changes first. To begin with, I will raise the rent a couple of hundreds a month, but you are used to that already aren't you?
Larsson: -Well, sure, but I think that this is a little too much.
Sneek: -It was a while ago the rent was raised and besides that there are some improvements.
Larsson: -Oh, I see.
Sneek: -Yes, we will exchange the toilets and install hot water toilets instead.
Larsson: -Hot water toilets???
Sneek: -Yes, this is the latest. It will come hot water instead of cold when you flush.
Larsson: -What's the point of that?
Sneek: -It's easier for us when we clean the sewer, it is very efficient!
Larsson: -I see.
Sneek: -Well, and then there is a built-in radio, it's more pleasant to go to the toilet. And the seats are more comfortable to sit on.
Larsson: -Really? Sounds very good.
Sneek: -We got a letter from the Energy Saving Company.
Larsson: -Sorry?
Sneek: -Well, we have to shut off the elevator at night.
Larsson: -What??
Sneek: -Yes, we have to save energy.
Larsson: -We live on the ninth floor, do we have to walk now?
Sneek: -No, just don't go out at nights!
Larsson: -Well, anyway. It might happen that we get home late at night, will the elevator be shut off then?
Sneek: -Just between 8 PM and 9 AM. We have to do it, so that we won't have to raise the rent too much.
Larsson: -I see.
Sneek: -The water will be shut off too at the same time.
Larsson: -Water too??
Sneek: -Yes.
Larsson: -Well...
Sneek: -Can you help me please?
Larsson: -Yes?
Sneek: -We will exchange all the electrical plugs in the house and install childproof instead.
Larsson: -But we don't have any small children!
Sneek: -Well, it doesn't matter. It's the new law and everybody has to do it.
Larsson: -I see.
Sneek: -We thought that we will start tonight and that we'll begin with you and your neighbour Olssons. Do you know them?
Larsson: -Yes, I do.
Sneek: -Can you hold on for a second, I'll ask my men when we can come?
Larsson: -Sure. .....20 sek...........
Sneek: -Hallo. Is eight o'clock fine with you? In about half an hour?
Larsson: -Sure.
Sneek: -Until then maybe you can pull out all your plugs in the apartment and take down your ceiling lamps.
Larsson: -But it's dark outside!
Sneek: -Well, don't you have any candles at home? Or flashlight?
Larsson: -I don't know.
Sneek: -Letīs do it like this: You go to the Olssons and tell them to get ready also. Tell him to do the same thing as you did. When we come to you we just pull an extension flex from his apartment into yours. After we finish at your place we do it vice versa. Do you understand?!
Larsson: -Well, I guess so.
Sneek: -I will come too and inspect the apartments.
Larsson: -I see.
Sneek: -So then, please tell the Olssons too?
Larsson: -Sure, I'll do that.
Sneek: -Thank you, it's very kind of you. See you at eight o'clock.
Which they didn't do of course.

Previous chapter
Preface to 'Sneek's phone-terror'
Chapter 1. Doctor Sneek, General Hospital
Chapter 2. The Telephone Company testing
Chapter 3. Drunk-driver tries to do a bunk
Chapter 4. The safe-cracker
Chapter 5. Inspector Sneek, Police Department
Chapter 6. Reverend Sneek, Enskede
Chapter 7. A long-distance call from Germany
Chapter 8. Accountant Sneek, from the tax office
Chapter 9. Sneek's little sister
Chapter 10. Wrong number
Chapter 11. The Civil Defence practising
Chapter 12. The Quiz
Chapter 13. Taxi service, hold on please!
Chapter 14. Directory enquiries
Chapter 15. The poor shoemaker
Chapter 16. Sneek's lobster party
Chapter 17. The Rundlund ladies
Chapter 18. The hotel
Chapter 19. The new landlord

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Copyright 1979 by Stefan Brydolf, Stockholm. ISBN 91-85862-00-2 Unauthorized publishing in full or in parts will be prosecuted by law
Sneekīs Phone Terror is also available in:
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