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Sneek´s prank calls

Chapter 17
Ladies Rundlunds.

One night Sneek was sitting in his office working late. He thought that he might have some fun with the phone exchange. He could connect two calls and even join the conversation. He took the phone-book and dialed the numbers of two different ladies, both by the Family name of Rundlund. He first let them do the conversation themselves:
Birgitta R: -Rundlund.
Asta R: -Yes?
Birgitta R: -Hallo?
Asta R: -Yes, hallo?
Birgitta R: -Whom would you like to talk to?
Asta R: -Well, I don't want to talk to anybody. I was sleeping and the phone rang.
Birgitta R: -The same thing happened to me, strange.
Asta R: -But you asked for Rundlund!
Birgitta R: -No, that is my name.
Asta R: -Well, isn't it funny, my name is also Rundlund.
A very confused conversation takes place and both ladies agree that this is the strangest thing that happened to them. They compare the addresses and phone numbers, the only similarity they find are the names. They finish the conversation and go back to sleep. After five minutes, when they probably were very near the edge of falling asleep again, Sneek connects their calls again:
Birgitta R: -Rundlund.
Asta R: -Is that you again?!
Birgitta R: -Well, how strange. You didn't call this time either, did you?
Asta R: -No, I was almost asleep and the phone rang again.
Birgitta R: -There must be something wrong with the Telephone company, because I absolutely didn't call you!
Asta R: -Very strange. if this doesn't stop, we have to unplug the phone.
Sneek finds the moment very suitable for interfering. In the middle of the conversation he just says:
Sneek: -Rundlund.
Birgitta R: -What? Hallo?
Sneek: -Yes, this is Rundlund.
Asta R: -Strange, one more Rundlund.
Sneek: -What do you want? Are you drunk or what?
Birgitta R: -Well....
Both ladies try to explain to Mr. Rundlund (=Sneek) what is going on. As time goes on Sneek pretends to understand them and the atmosphere is suddenly in a very good mood. Sneek says:
Sneek: -This is actually fun! All three of us have the name Rundlund and now we were connected by our phones. My name is Henrik. And what are your names?
Asta R: -Well, I am Asta.
Birgitta R: -And I am Birgitta..
Sneek: -Oh, how nice. I have a suggestion. First Asta will call me and we can have a chat and after ten minutes Birgitta will call me, wouldn't that be fun?
Both ladies think that this sounds like fun and Sneek leaves them a number to a real Henrik Rundlund he found in the phone-book. Poor Henrik is probably sleeping deeply, and has of course no idea of what is going to hit him soon. After half an hour Sneek connects Asta and Birgitta again but keeps quiet himself.
Birgitta R: -Rundlund.
Asta R: -Well, this is the strangest thing I´ve ever experienced. Did you call Henrik?
Birgitta R: -Yes and I heard that you did too. This wasn't the same Henrik was it?
Asta R: -No, definitely not. He was sleeping and I thought this was very embarrassing. It was very difficult to explain why I was calling. He must have thought that I'm crazy.
Birgitta R: -Yes, same thing happened to me. He must think that we are nuts.
They continue talking and after couple of minutes they hangup. Sneek disguise his voice and calls Asta:
Asta R: -Rundlund.
Sneek: -Hallo! This is the Telephone company calling.
Asta R: -I see.
Sneek: -Well, sorry to bother you this late, but there is something very wrong with the telephone system, calls have been jumping back and forth.
Asta R: -Yes, I noticed that....
Next five minutes Asta tries to explain what happened.
Sneek: -Well, I see. Mrs. Rundlund, but you don't have to worry anymore, we have found the error now.
Asta R: -Really?! Wonderful.
Sneek: -Well, it is your phone.
Asta R: -My phone?!
Sneek: -Have you dropped your phone on the floor or something like that?
Asta R: -No, I haven't.
Sneek: -Have you used it like a hammer or something?!
Asta R: -Certainly not. I would never do a thing like that.
Sneek: -Maybe your children or your husband?
Asta R: -No, my children are grown-up and they are gone and my husband left me years ago.
Sneek: -Well, now we do as I say. Do you have pincers at home?
Asta R: -Pincers??
Sneek: -Yes. Can you go and get them!
Asta R: -Yes, just a moment, I have to check. .............
Asta R: -Hallo? I do have the pincers.
Sneek: -Now you have to pinch the flex off. We will come tomorrow and install a new phone for you. Yours is disturbing our system.
Asta R: -Well, won't I get a shock?
Sneek: -No, don't worry, the current in phone cables is so weak that it is harmless. Just pinch it off near the wall. I'll sit here and make sure that everything goes well.
Asta R: -But isn´t it enough if I unplug it?
Sneek: -No, because then the disturbance remain in the whole area. So please pinch it off as near to the plug as possible.
Asta R: -Well, just a moment.... *CLICK*
About ten minutes later Birgittas flex was also pinched off in the same manner.

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Preface to 'Sneek's prank calls'
Chapter 1. Doctor Sneek, General Hospital
Chapter 2. The Telephone Company testing
Chapter 3. Drunk-driver tries to do a bunk
Chapter 4. The safe-cracker
Chapter 5. Inspector Sneek, Police Department
Chapter 6. Reverend Sneek, Enskede
Chapter 7. A long-distance call from Germany
Chapter 8. Accountant Sneek, from the tax office
Chapter 9. Sneek's little sister
Chapter 10. Wrong number
Chapter 11. The Civil Defence practising
Chapter 12. The Quiz
Chapter 13. Taxi service, hold on please!
Chapter 14. Directory enquiries
Chapter 15. The poor shoemaker
Chapter 16. Sneek's lobster party
Chapter 17. The Rundlund ladies
Chapter 18. The hotel
Chapter 19. The new landlord

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Copyright 1979 by Stefan Brydolf, Stockholm. ISBN 91-85862-00-2 Unauthorized publishing in full or in parts will be prosecuted by law
Sneek´s Phone Terror is also available in:
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