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Sneekīs prank calls

Chapter 2
The Telephone Company is testing....

One day Sneek opened the telephone directory and found a nice elderly lady at home. The following conversation took place:
Lady: -123456.
Sneek: -Good afternoon, it's your telephone company calling.
Lady: -Yes, good afternoon.
Sneek: -We are performing a test, because something is wrong in this area. Is this number 123456?
Lady: -Yes, it is.
Sneek: -We would like to make some tests. Do you have a minute?
Lady: -Yes I do.
Sneek: -There is something wrong with the system. Has anybody called you today?
Lady: -No.
Sneek: -That's exactly what I thought. I don't get it. Can you count until five in the phone, quite loud please?
Lady: -One, two, three, four, five.
Sneek: -You forgot four!
Lady: -No, I didn't.
Sneek: -Strange. There must be something else wrong. Can you walk two meters away from the phone and say something on "S"? Sugar or sweet or something like that.
Lady: -Do I have to put the receiver down?
Sneek: -Yes, but donīt hang up.
Lady: -OK. Just a moment.....Sugar, sweet, sugar, sweet, sugar, sweet, sugar.....Hallo?
Sneek: -Yes hallo!
Lady: -Did you hear that?
Sneek: -No, I still don't get it. Can you scratch the receiver!
Lady: -Do I have to clean the receiver?
Sneek: -No, you have to scratch it with your nails. Do it as hard as you can.
Lady: -OK!...........well, did you hear that?!
Sneek: -Well, it was pretty bad. Do you have any crunchy chips at home?
Lady: -Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. Do you want some?
Sneek: -He, he, can you go and get some, please. We shall break it into pieces in the receiver, that should be very effective.
Lady: -I see, just a moment.....(30sec).......Hallo?
Sneek: -Yes hallo! Did you find any?
Lady: -Yes, I found potatoe chips. What should I do with them?
Sneek: -You must break some very close to the receiver, as close as you can.
Lady: -I see, just a moment. (a breaking sound).....Hallo?
Sneek: -No, that wasn't good either. Can you chew some!
Lady: -C-chew?
Sneek: -Yes, you put them into your mouth and then chew.
Lady: -I see, just a moment. (Chewing sounds.).....I'm chewing now.
Sneek: -Well, we got some response here. I think that we have to come and take a look at your phone. We have to do something about it because it interferes with the system. Do you have any pincers at home?
Lady: -Yes.
Sneek: -Can you go and get them, please?
Lady: -Yes, just a moment..... Hallo! I have the pincers now. What do you want me to do?
Sneek: -Well, now you do exactly as I say. You have to pinch the flex off.
Lady: -Do I have to pinch the flex off????
Sneek: -Yes, you see, your phone disturbes the system. Pinch the cord off as near as possible to the wall and after a couple of hours we will come and install a new phone for you!
Lady: -But isnīt it enough if I just unplug the phone??
Sneek: -No, it is not, because that way the system of your home will still disturb all the neighbourhood.
Lady: -I see, just a moment....*CLICK*.....

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Preface to 'Sneek's prank calls'
Chapter 1. Doctor Sneek, General Hospital
Chapter 2. The Telephone Company testing
Chapter 3. Drunk-driver tries to do a bunk
Chapter 4. The safe-cracker
Chapter 5. Inspector Sneek, Police Department
Chapter 6. Reverend Sneek, Enskede
Chapter 7. A long-distance call from Germany
Chapter 8. Accountant Sneek, from the tax office
Chapter 9. Sneek's little sister
Chapter 10. Wrong number
Chapter 11. The Civil Defence practising
Chapter 12. The Quiz
Chapter 13. Taxi service, hold on please!
Chapter 14. Directory enquiries
Chapter 15. The poor shoemaker
Chapter 16. Sneek's lobster party
Chapter 17. The Rundlund ladies
Chapter 18. The hotel
Chapter 19. The new landlord

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Copyright 1979 by Stefan Brydolf, Stockholm. ISBN 91-85862-00-2 Unauthorized publishing in full or in parts will be prosecuted by law
Sneekīs Phone Terror is also available in:
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