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Sneek´s prank calls

Chapter 12
The Quiz.

Sneek opened the phone directory and took a name at random. It happened to be Britt Andersson, 6 Park Street, Johanneshov. Sneek's brother "The Sack" was home. Sneek started:
Lady: -Andersson.
Sneek: -Good afternoon. We are calling from the Radio Melody, the quiz.
Lady: -Oh, I see.
Sneek: -We are having a quiz on the radio just now. We would like to ask you if we may call you again in a couple of minutes and ask some simple questions about music.
Lady: -But I'm no good at that.
Sneek: -You can win money. Twenty-five for the first question, then fifty for the next and up to a hundred.
Lady: -Well, I need some money, but I'm not good at this.
Sneek: -Well, we give you the first question for free. We'll play The Beatles "Yellow submarine" and we ask you who played and you just say the Beatles. Then you have won twenty-five only for that question.
Lady: -Really? Is it that simple?
Sneek: -Yes, it is as simple as that. And the next questions are as simple also. We have told you the first answer already. We do that often here at the radio, but people don't know of course.
Lady: -Well, I still don't know. I don't want my name to be mentioned in the air.
Sneek: -You will be absolutely anonymous. We don't even know your name.  We chose your phone number by chance.
Lady: -Well, OK, if I may stay anonymous and if I get the first question for free, I'm in on it.
Sneek: -Good. We call you after couple of minutes. Don't forget that the first answer is The Beatles. The Beatles.
Lady: -OK! Thank you very much.
After couple of minutes "The Sack" calls the same lady:
Lady: -Andersson.
Sneek: -Hello! Hello! We are calling from "We who don´t know".
Lady: -We who don´t know???
Sneek: -Yes, that's right. You are the first chosen lucky one for this quiz. The first question is here. Who is singing this very famous melody?
Sneek had a gramophone next to the phone and plays 5 seconds of "Waterloo" with "ABBA".
Lady: It' Beatles.
Sneek: -Sorry! Sorry! It wasn't The Beatles. You should have answered "ABBA". Unfortunately, now you have to send us the money to the Radio Melody, we'll send you the pay-in form of 25 Kroner.
Lady: -Could I loose money also!?
Sneek: -Just twenty-five. Well, I'm sorry Mrs. Anna Andersson, 6 Parker Street, in Johanneshov.
Lady: -But I was promised to remain anonymous!!
Sneek: -Anonymous? No one is anonymous in our show. Time is up, we'll call our next competitor. Thank you so much, Mrs Andersson and good bye!
Lady: -Good bye.

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Preface to 'Sneek's prank calls'
Chapter 1. Doctor Sneek, General Hospital
Chapter 2. The Telephone Company testing
Chapter 3. Drunk-driver tries to do a bunk
Chapter 4. The safe-cracker
Chapter 5. Inspector Sneek, Police Department
Chapter 6. Reverend Sneek, Enskede
Chapter 7. A long-distance call from Germany
Chapter 8. Accountant Sneek, from the tax office
Chapter 9. Sneek's little sister
Chapter 10. Wrong number
Chapter 11. The Civil Defence practising
Chapter 12. The Quiz
Chapter 13. Taxi service, hold on please!
Chapter 14. Directory enquiries
Chapter 15. The poor shoemaker
Chapter 16. Sneek's lobster party
Chapter 17. The Rundlund ladies
Chapter 18. The hotel
Chapter 19. The new landlord

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Copyright 1979 by Stefan Brydolf, Stockholm. ISBN 91-85862-00-2 Unauthorized publishing in full or in parts will be prosecuted by law
Sneek´s Phone Terror is also available in:
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